A long time ago, the Mongolian tribes were united by a great and fearless leader named Chingis Khaan (KH is actually a hard H sound--not a K sound). If you've never heard of him, it's because we were taught to call him Genghis Khan, much to the dismay of the Mongolians. Chingis Khaan and his descendants managed to conquer the land from China to Europe. At that time there was focus on the exchange of goods, culture, and religion in the Empire's capital. Eventually, this empire began to loose its power and most of the conquered peoples were able to live independently once again. After a couple hundred years China gained control of what was left of Mongolia. Fast forward 200-300 years. Some Mongolians, tired of being under the Chinese, approach Russians for assistance. In 1911 Mongolia fought against the Chinese and gained some independence. However, not all of Mongolia was given autonomy and thus it was divided into Inner and Outer Mongolia. Inner Mongolia is still a part of China, Outer Mongolia, usually referred to simply as Mongolia, is its own country. I work in the country of Mongolia.
Because I don't have a map with me, the "hand illustration" will have to suffice.