Olympics (academic): Not a big fan. I may or may not delve more into this topic at a later date. At present I need to finish writing a test for the (secondary school) English Olympics, which will be held this coming week in my town.
Nephews: Maybe I’m biased, but I really think that my nephew is actually getting cuter as he ages—and he was a cute baby to start with! I cannot wait to hang out with the monkey this summer.

Milk: I find it strange that in the land of meat and dairy products I had to go to seven stores today before I found milk. Seven!
Lights and Leakage: I finally replaced light bulbs and put the light fixtures in our bathroom back in place today. New year’s morning we’d woken up to find water dripping out of the light fixtures that are in the drop ceiling in our bathroom. This time it wasn’t even the result of the people upstairs flooding their bathroom—rather it was due to warm weather and melting snow. On January first. In Mongolia. (Have I mentioned that the weather has been strange this year?) Unfortunately, the people who live below us are also having light fixture issues. It seems to be a yearly occurrence that while we are in Thailand, our apartment will have some plumbing issue and will flood the apartment below us. Last year our kitchen sink decided to back up and over flow—even though it hadn’t been used in a month. This year a pipe in our bathroom decided to develop a hole and become a geyser. Needless to say, the people downstairs don’t like us much—even though none of the water leakage has actually been our fault.
Ben wants to know if you are not a big fan of the academic olympics because you have to write the test.
I showed Tommy this picture of himself here on your blog. When he first saw it, he said, "Da-da!" I told him that wasn't Daddy. Now he's pointing at it saying "Baby, baby..." :-)
Oh, you're Liz's siter! I don't know Liz, but I read the Tommy's Mommy blog too! I was scrolling down your blog, and I say the pic of Thomas, and I was like, "Wait a minute! I recognize that baby!!!"
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