2. “Women are the downfall of men,” stated one of our adolescent friends who was out for the weekend. By way of further clarifying the issue, he added, “Seriously!” So young, and already he’s got it all figured out.
3. Is it tryptophan or tryptopan? When you gather people for Thanksgiving that come from different families, backgrounds, and parts of the country, you are bound to have this discussion. We formed a truce by renaming it: Tryptofizzle (or tryptophizzle, if you prefer). It’s kind of catchy, and it describes exactly what you do after eating turkey—fizzle out and take a nap. (For those of you who really want to know—it’s tryptophan)
Downfall? Oh, so young. So young.
I like the tryptofizzle. I'm gonna introduce that at Christmas this year.
Cows with portholes! It's so amazing I can hardly believe it. In what country are these veternary wonders purported to exist? They look more like a tryptofiizzle dream, or a photoshop spoof, said the skeptic.
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