Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Patterns, patterns everywhere...

Here is just a sampling of the patterns from my one-bedroom apartment here in Mongolia. The question is: Will they drive me crazy in the nine months til I get married, or will I cave and spend money covering them up?


Cherry said...

What a very busy place you have there!

My favorite though has to be the lotuses. You can't cover that up!

Sarah said...

I know you're jealous ;) See what good things can happen when you move to a foreign country...

Anonymous said...

Groovy!! Your floors are positively psychedelic!
MM's P

Unknown said...

Those are quite the patterns you have there...you have the opposite problem that we have here. We're trying to brighten our place up a bit!

along the way said...

cover them!!! (well, at least a portion!) it's worth it, girl!

Tracy said...

I love these patterns!

Thanks for coming by my blog! I was so excited to find out that you are engaged. Will the two of you live in Mongolia together? Do tell!