Tom said he wanted in on the posting action--especially since I hadn't done a new post in at least a week... I was out of commission for a couple days because of my back, and then after that I was packing up and moving, and now I'm in a state of living limbo for the next month or so.
Tom says: I'm going to miss my Russian cat grass--a plant all my own that I'm supposed to eat. Right now I'm missing Sarah. Since I was unable to get along with her friend's cat, I've been sent to live with Phil for a while. It's cool to have the male bonding time and all (we watch TV shows that Sarah would never let me watch), but I worry that Sarah isn't keeping her face as clean as when I wash it for her.
Note to Sarah: Can we bring some Russian cat grass seeds with us when we move to California so I can have some yummy greens there, too?
P.S. I'm taking good care of Phil. His face isn't as soft and smooth as yours, but I think having a cat-washed face has helped his sore throat!!
Tom gets to come live in California!
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